Ray Detter Local History Award for Students
The community's "Ray Detter Local History Award" is given each year to a student, or group of students, who has been involved in a project dealing with local history. Your participation in and completing of a project makes you eligible to apply for a cash award of up to $1,000. All Ann Arbor high school students, individually or in teams, are invited to submit an application for this year's Local History Award, with the winner(s) announced at the end of the school year. As examples, possible projects could include, but are not limited to: Document an historic site in Ann Arbor using history and/or photos.Assist with Ann Arbor Historical Street Exhibit tours (https://aadl.org/aastreets).Develop material for a local historical museum: e.g., Kempf House Museum, Cobblestone Farm, Museum on Main Street.Produce media that promotes local history, e.g. Community TV segment.Contribute to local history efforts at the Ann Arbor District Library.Or develop your own idea!
How to apply:
Provide your name, contact address, phone number, and email. Be sure to indicate which Ann Arbor school you attend.Write a brief statement describing your local history project and the benefits it provides to our community. Include a statement to indicate the project is your own work.Submit project materials in hard copy, digital, or with links to online resources.Include one letter of support, with the letter writer describing their familiarity with your project and why you should receive the award. For questions or more information, contact Project Chairperson Chris Crockett at christinecrockett8@gmail.com. We invite applicants to review their project with a committee member anytime prior to the final submission date.
Submit your completed project by April 30th, 2022 by email or in person to Project Chair Christine Crockett at 506 E. Kingsley Street, Ann Arbor, MI 48104. All applicants will be notified of the committee's decision by May 15th. History Award Evaluation Criteria Does it tell a powerful story? (40% of final evaluation)
History Award Evaluation Criteria
Does it tell a powerful story? (40% of final evaluation)
Is the story interesting and creative?
Does the submission reach a broad community?
Accuracy and Quality of Research: (30% of final evaluation)
Is information in the project accurate or is some information wrong or misleading?
Does the project reflect research using multiple sources or does it only use one source or the internet?
Proficiency: (20% of final evaluation)
Does the project demonstrate a proficiency with the media used?
Overall Aesthetics (10% of final evaluation)